
Løype Tag

A smart stamp for dogs and cats 

with free lifetime registration


Three reasons

A stamp with your contact on it the easiest, most reliable and most practical way to identify your dog.


Your personal QR code

Backup contacts, photos, special needs, vaccinations and other important informations. Easily accessible for finders and for you and your loved ones.

Order your Løype Tag


Basic stamp with QR code and web address. Once scanned or entered into a browser, the finder will see a complete dog profile with all relevant information.

  • Lifetime registration
  • QR code on the stamp
  • Your own web address with your pet's profile
  • Email notification to owner
  • Notification of upcoming vaccinations
  • Full control of personal information
  • Choice of two materials: stainless steel, wood

Zobrazit informace

390 Kč / 16 EUR

one-off payment

Order Basic


The most practical stamp with the dog's name, phone number, QR code and web address for the fastest way home.

  • Name of the dog on the stamp
  • Phone number on the stamp
  • SMS notification to the owner
  • Lifetime registration
  • QR code on the stamp
  • Your own web address with your pet's profile
  • Email notification to owner
  • Notification of upcoming vaccinations
  • Full control of personal information
  • Choice of two materials: stainless steel, wood

390 Kč / 16 EUR

one-off payment

Order Premium
32 %

That's the chance that your dog will get lost at least once in its lifetime

77 %

This is the proportion of dogs that end up in a shelter and don't have a registered chip

47 %

In this many cases, it takes a week or more to return a stray dog to its owner


Løype Tag increases the chance of an early return and speeds up communication between finder and owner.

I already have my Løype Tag

How the QR code works?

Order a Løype Tag

(3 minutes)

The stamp will arrive at your home

(5 days)

Register your Tag on the website

(15 minutes max.)

Attach it to your collar or harness and you're done


What is the main difference between Premium and Basic Loype Tag?

Premium includes your pet's name and phone number directly on the tag. It is the fastest and most convenient way for the finder to contact you.

Why is there a QR code on the tag?

The finder of your pet can scan the QR code and see all the important information you entered when you registered. In addition, they can contact you directly via this page.

What if the finder can't scan the QR code?

No problem, the stamp has a web address on it, so you can just type into your web browser. The address is in a form that encourages rescue.

What kind of information can I enter into the database?

There are many, and they are all practical for the finder and for you (for example, a warning about an upcoming vaccination). You can decide for yourself which information you want to post. You have full control over your information.


How does Løype Tag help with finding a lost pet?

Quick contact for potential finders. That's the main thing!

The finder gets the contact directly on the tag (with the Premium version) or by scanning the QR code or entering the code on our website (in both Basic and Premium versions).

Reporting the loss on our website

You can easily report a loss on our website with a description of all relevant circumstances.

We'll let all of our associates know

We work with shelters, volunteer "searchers" and veterinarians. Depending on the location of the loss, I will let them know about your lost animal.

We will display your lost pet on our website

Clear, shareable informations.

Easy to share on social networks

All the information about your pet is in one place and you can share it easily. Experience with lost dogs has shown that the speed of sharing and the quality of the information shared greatly speeds up the time to find them.


Your furry friend doesn't wear a Løype Tag yet?

Order it now and have it at home in 5 days.


Løype Tag Basic

A stamp with QR code and free lifetime registration.

Order Basic

Løype Tag Premium

Stamp with name and phone contact on one side.

QR code with additional information on the other side.

Free lifetime registration.

Order Premium
Loype - Hub Jizerky
Løype | Hub Jizerky Smržovka

Na Planinách 1212,

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

8.00 - 16.00



Loype - Dog store & café
Løype | Dog store & café Praha

Budečská 14,
Praha 2

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

11.00 - 19.00

10.00 - 16.00


Your dog will LOVE this postman for a change! By providing your email address, you'll receive regular doses of inspiration for an (even) better life with your dog, delivered straight to your inbox.

Výměna zdarma

Pokud objednaná velikost psovi nesedí, není potřeba hned nasazovat dietku nebo ho dokrmovat zbytky od večeře. Stačí nás kontaktovat e-mailem nebo telefonicky, abychom se dohodli, jaká velikost bude pro vašeho chlupáče ta pravá. Pak se domluvíme s kurýrem, aby u vás původní zásilku vyzvedl a předal vám novou. Dopravné je na nás, vy se nemusíte o nic starat.

Konzultace zdarma

Nejste si jisti výběrem konkrétního produktu nebo velikosti? Zavolejte nám, už jsme za ty roky nasbírali spoustu zkušeností s různými plemeny a velikostmi psů, takže dokážeme leckdy i po telefonu odhadnout, co by mohlo vašemu chlupáčovi sedět. Pošlete nám klidně fotky nebo videa, i na základě těch dokážeme pomoci s výběrem.

Výhodné doručení

Máme vlastní sklady a díky tomu i přehled o tom, že zboží skladem je opravdu skladem. Snažíme se objednávku expedovat hned, jakmile k nám dorazí, ale upřednostňujeme pečlivou kontrolu produktů před rychlostí odeslání. Pokud by přesto bylo něco v nepořádku nebo psovi zakoupené věci velikostně neseděly, neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Na naší podpoře se domluvíte s někým, kdo rozumí zboží i psům. Telefon vám zvedne člověk, ne robot. Nepadnoucí objednávku pak můžete jednoduše poslat zpět přes zpětnou zásilku.
