


Dog house, kennel, crate or a cage - what are its advantages and how to teach your dog to use it

A dog in a crate? For some, this idea is still controversial, but at Loype, we believe that with the right approach and motivation, it can only benefit a dog. A crate isn't meant to keep the dog in, but to keep others out.

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How to train with a target? And which one to choose?

A target, simply put, is a designated object that a dog is supposed to touch in some way. At Loype, we make ones that are stable and don't slip, making them much safer to work with. Which is which? And what to use in your training? Let's dig into it!

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Dog puzzle: form of relaxation and an activation aid

What are dog puzzles good for? It's similar to crosswords for people - the dog can relax while doing them, but they also has to really get their brain working. 

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Let's learn new tricks! How to teach your dog to do slalom?

Would you like to teach your dog something new? Our choice is the slalom between your legs, which doesn’t require much space or special equipment, so you can practice it almost anywhere.

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Training box: a versatile tool for your training

Training aids are designed to make our training sessions more efficient and straightforward, and our training box is no exception. Essentially, it's a small enclosure that precisely defines the space where the dog should be or perform an exercise. 

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Dog house, kennel, crate or a cage - what are its advantages and how to teach your dog to use it

A dog in a crate? For some, this idea is still controversial, but at Loype, we believe that with the right approach and motivation, it can only benefit a dog. A crate isn't meant to keep the dog in, but to keep others out.

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Taking care of your dog's nails

Nails are an essential part of your pup's anatomy. They protect each toe, but your furry friend also needs them for walking and running. So, dog nails actually serve a bigger purpose than human nails, but they also require more care and attention to prevent unpleasant and painful health issues for our four-legged buddy.

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Let's train fetch: which dumbbell to choose?

Fetching is a popular dog training exercise that has become synonymous with retrieving thrown objects. It's also a cornerstone of many dog sports, including obedience exams and agility competitions. While a toy might be fine for casual play, for serious training, a specialized fetching dumbbell is essential.

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Loype - Hub Jizerky
Løype | Hub Jizerky Smržovka

Na Planinách 1212,

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

8.00 - 16.00



Loype - Dog store & café
Løype | Dog store & café Praha

Budečská 14,
Praha 2

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

11.00 - 19.00

10.00 - 16.00


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Výměna zdarma

Pokud objednaná velikost psovi nesedí, není potřeba hned nasazovat dietku nebo ho dokrmovat zbytky od večeře. Stačí nás kontaktovat e-mailem nebo telefonicky, abychom se dohodli, jaká velikost bude pro vašeho chlupáče ta pravá. Pak se domluvíme s kurýrem, aby u vás původní zásilku vyzvedl a předal vám novou. Dopravné je na nás, vy se nemusíte o nic starat.

Konzultace zdarma

Nejste si jisti výběrem konkrétního produktu nebo velikosti? Zavolejte nám, už jsme za ty roky nasbírali spoustu zkušeností s různými plemeny a velikostmi psů, takže dokážeme leckdy i po telefonu odhadnout, co by mohlo vašemu chlupáčovi sedět. Pošlete nám klidně fotky nebo videa, i na základě těch dokážeme pomoci s výběrem.

Výhodné doručení

Máme vlastní sklady a díky tomu i přehled o tom, že zboží skladem je opravdu skladem. Snažíme se objednávku expedovat hned, jakmile k nám dorazí, ale upřednostňujeme pečlivou kontrolu produktů před rychlostí odeslání. Pokud by přesto bylo něco v nepořádku nebo psovi zakoupené věci velikostně neseděly, neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Na naší podpoře se domluvíte s někým, kdo rozumí zboží i psům. Telefon vám zvedne člověk, ne robot. Nepadnoucí objednávku pak můžete jednoduše poslat zpět přes zpětnou zásilku.
