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Pet informations

Pes (European Sled Dog)


Born: 1. 5. 2023
Gender: Samec
Chip Number: 865757517899
Deworming Date: 15. 9. 2023
Last Rabies Vaccination Date: 15. 9. 2023
Color: Black-White
Vaccination Frequency: Every 3 years
Breeding Station: Od zlatého potoka

Pet Photos

Vaccination Card Photo

Circumstances of Loss

Country Česká republika
Region Liberecký
Place Description

Liberec, městská část Kateřinky - les poblíž skalního hradu Jezdec

Circumstances of Loss

Milouše jsme měli na volno, lekl se odstřelu kamene v nedalekém lomu a utekl

Special Mark

Měl na sobě oranžový obojek a postroj

Special Information

Milouš má rád lidi a hlavně děti – skáče na ně, takže je často svou vahou povalí na zem. Má tendenci lovit menší zvířata, takže se nesnáší dobře s ostatními domácími mazlíčky, rád prohání kočky. Bojí se bouřky a ohňostrojů, snaží se utéct.

Health Status

Nedávejte prosím Miloušovi žádné krmení s kuřecím masem, má na něj silnou alergii. Trpí epilepsií, takže musí denně brát lék Fenobarbital. Při návštěvě veterináře se bojí, je potřeba, aby měl nasazený košík, jinak by se mohl ohánět po ostatních psech.

Owner Information

Zuzana Svobodová
.. Česká republika

You can send your contact information to the pet owner

We store this information only for the necessary duration (max. 48 hours) and share it only with the pet owner.

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and help with its recovery

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Thank you for your help
Loype - Hub Jizerky
Løype | Hub Jizerky Smržovka

Na Planinách 1212,

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

8.00 - 16.00



Loype - Dog store & café
Løype | Dog store & café Praha

Budečská 14,
Praha 2

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

11.00 - 19.00

10.00 - 16.00


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A Czech brand

It started with just the two of us and our dogs. Now, there are more of us at Loype (and more dogs too), but we still work as a small team within a family-run business. We personally test and fine-tune all our products to ensure they bring joy to both two-legged and four-legged friends. The same goes for the goods from our international partners.

Free consultation

Not sure which product or size to choose? Give us a call! We’ve gathered plenty of experience with different breeds and sizes over the years, so we can often guess what might fit your dog even over the phone. Feel free to send us photos or videos too; they often help us make the right recommendation.

Free Exchange

If the size you ordered doesn’t fit your dog, there’s no need to fatten them up or put them on a diet! Just contact us by email or phone, and we’ll figure out the right size for your furry friend. We’ll then arrange for a courier to pick up the original parcel and deliver the new one. Shipping is on us, so you don’t have to worry about a thing!

Convenient delivery

We have our own warehouses, so we always know exactly what’s in stock. We strive to ship your order as soon as it comes in, but we prioritize careful control of each product over speed. If something isn’t right or the size doesn’t fit your dog, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our support team is made up of people who know the products and understand dogs. A real person will answer your call, not a robot. If the order doesn’t fit, you can always return it with a return label.
