
Mani-Pedi dog scratcher

Your dog really needs to shorten his nails, but doesn't like to have them cut? Try our scratching post!

1 290 Kč - 1 580 Kč

Please choose one option

Clipping dog-nails is sometimes troublesome. If your furry friend tends to hide under the bed as soon as you pull out the clippers, don't worry, you are definitely not alone. When dealing with such a bundle of nerves, it can be scary to use clippers, afraid the dog might flinch and you accidentally hurt him. That's why we came up with our scratching board that effectively shortens nails without cutting. We only ask the dog to dig on a board with sandpaper, under which there is a treat hidden for him. It might take a bit of training for the dog to understand how to place his paw on the board to reveal the treat, but once you figure it out together, you will have the dog's manicure done in no time, without causing him any distress. 

How to do it? 

You can hide a treat under the removable board with sandpaper. You don't have to hold it in your hand, which could distract the dog, but simply uncover it after the digging is done by pulling the loop. You can hold the scratching board as needed with a practical handle. The sandpaper on the board is easily replaceable so you can reuse the scratching board, or you can use a different coarseness depending on your dog's nails. 

Two options: standalone scratcher or a scratcher with target? 

To make sure your dog can use the scratching board even when his nails are perfectly trimmed, we decided to take advantage of the fact that the sanding board is fully detachable. We added another one with a rubber surface that you can use as a classic target. You can simply attach the target board using a 3D-printed plastic stopper to keep it stable, and use it to train additional paw exercises. If you already have the scratching board at home, you can purchase the board separately later. You can also buy additional sanding paper in two different coarseness options. 

Advantages of Mani-Pedi scratching board for dogs in a nutshell:

  • Safe nail filing without cutting.
  • Reusable, easy replacement of sandpaper with new ones.
  • Option to choose sandpaper coarseness.
  • Practical handle to prevent the dog scratching your hands.
  • Loop revealing a treat hiding spot.
  • Two products in one: can be complemented with a rubber board turning it into a target.


Note that it's important to ensure the dog only files nails on the board, not the paw pad. The scratching board is not a toy, so never leave the dog unattended with it as there is a risk of damaging the product or injuring the dog.

Loype - Hub Jizerky
Løype | Hub Jizerky Smržovka

Na Planinách 1212,

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

8.00 - 16.00



Loype - Dog store & café
Løype | Dog store & café Praha

Budečská 14,
Praha 2

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

11.00 - 19.00

10.00 - 16.00


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Výměna zdarma

Pokud objednaná velikost psovi nesedí, není potřeba hned nasazovat dietku nebo ho dokrmovat zbytky od večeře. Stačí nás kontaktovat e-mailem nebo telefonicky, abychom se dohodli, jaká velikost bude pro vašeho chlupáče ta pravá. Pak se domluvíme s kurýrem, aby u vás původní zásilku vyzvedl a předal vám novou. Dopravné je na nás, vy se nemusíte o nic starat.

Konzultace zdarma

Nejste si jisti výběrem konkrétního produktu nebo velikosti? Zavolejte nám, už jsme za ty roky nasbírali spoustu zkušeností s různými plemeny a velikostmi psů, takže dokážeme leckdy i po telefonu odhadnout, co by mohlo vašemu chlupáčovi sedět. Pošlete nám klidně fotky nebo videa, i na základě těch dokážeme pomoci s výběrem.

Výhodné doručení

Máme vlastní sklady a díky tomu i přehled o tom, že zboží skladem je opravdu skladem. Snažíme se objednávku expedovat hned, jakmile k nám dorazí, ale upřednostňujeme pečlivou kontrolu produktů před rychlostí odeslání. Pokud by přesto bylo něco v nepořádku nebo psovi zakoupené věci velikostně neseděly, neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Na naší podpoře se domluvíte s někým, kdo rozumí zboží i psům. Telefon vám zvedne člověk, ne robot. Nepadnoucí objednávku pak můžete jednoduše poslat zpět přes zpětnou zásilku.
