
Dog bed Sleepy

Every furry friend deserves comfort. But we want more. We want your furry friend's bedding to be practical and fit into our interiors. If you are interested in a different color combination or a combination that is not in stock, write to us!

6 490 Kč - 9 990 Kč

Please choose one option

If you are interested in a dog bed, please write to us. The delivery time is approximately 2 weeks. At the moment, it is only made to order.

Did you know that dogs normally sleep 12-14 hours a day, while puppies can even sleep up to 18 hours? Lack of sleep can make our furry friends behave a little differently - they may be more irritated, jump around, whine, growl, or just be overly excited about everything. Simply put, they just don't know what to do when they are sleep-deprived. Therefore, make sure your dog has enough space and time for napping. And if they don't have a favorite sleeping spot yet, make sure to provide one for them.

We have spent a long time looking for the right spot for our furry companions, which will be practical, washable, and won't embarrass us at home. So we started making constructions in our workshop in Jizera Mountains, sewing covers, and arranging custom-made mattresses suitable for furry friends. We have tested them for several months with our four-legged friends and now we present to you our new bed - Spinkal!

What makes the Spinkal bed unique?

  • Made using traditional carpentry methods.
  • Constructed from quality spruce wood.
  • Suitable for every furry friend, from Chihuahuas to Saint Bernards.
  • Available in three sizes - M, L, and XL.
  • Two color options for the frame - painted (lead color) and clear lacquered (natural color).
  • Both painted and lacquered versions are coated with paint that has food contact approval and complies with regulations for child toys.
  • Choose from three color options for the covers - charcoal, dark brown, and blue.
  • High-quality mattress ensures a comfortable rest! The lying surface is made of 4 cm RE70 (Recycled bound PUR foam with a volume weight of 70 kg/m3, stiffness 7.0 kPa) and 3 cm HR (High Resilience-cold foam).
  • It comes with two covers. The first layer is a lightweight cotton cover and the second layer is a durable 100% polyester cover.
  • No assembly required, the bed comes in a pre-assembled state, so you just need to unpack the box and your furry friend can move in!
  • It pairs nicely with our Cintal bowl stand or Hytte indoor crate. Both are also crafted in our workshop in Jizera Mountains!
  • Made in the Czech Republic! 

Size M:

  • Width 950 mm
  • Depth 640 mm
  • Height 220 mm
  • Size of the mattress (lying surface for furry friends) is 740 x 535 mm
  • Suitable for smaller furry friends, such as Boston Terriers, Kelpies, Czech spotted dogs, etc.

Size L:

  • Width 1200 mm
  • Depth 750 mm
  • Height 240 mm
  • Size of the mattress (lying surface for furry friends) is 990 x 640 mm.
  • Suitable for a wide range of breeds, from Australian Shepherds to Huskies and Labradors.

Size XL:

  • Width 1500 mm
  • Depth 950 mm
  • Height 240 mm
  • Size of the mattress (lying surface for furry friends) is 1290 x 845 mm.
  • Suitable for large breeds, such as Great Danes, Saint Bernards, or German Shepherds.

Photos from For Pets:

Loype - Hub Jizerky
Løype | Hub Jizerky Smržovka

Na Planinách 1212,

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

8.00 - 16.00



Loype - Dog store & café
Løype | Dog store & café Praha

Budečská 14,
Praha 2

Mon - Fri


Sun and Wed. holidays:

11.00 - 19.00

10.00 - 16.00


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Výměna zdarma

Pokud objednaná velikost psovi nesedí, není potřeba hned nasazovat dietku nebo ho dokrmovat zbytky od večeře. Stačí nás kontaktovat e-mailem nebo telefonicky, abychom se dohodli, jaká velikost bude pro vašeho chlupáče ta pravá. Pak se domluvíme s kurýrem, aby u vás původní zásilku vyzvedl a předal vám novou. Dopravné je na nás, vy se nemusíte o nic starat.

Konzultace zdarma

Nejste si jisti výběrem konkrétního produktu nebo velikosti? Zavolejte nám, už jsme za ty roky nasbírali spoustu zkušeností s různými plemeny a velikostmi psů, takže dokážeme leckdy i po telefonu odhadnout, co by mohlo vašemu chlupáčovi sedět. Pošlete nám klidně fotky nebo videa, i na základě těch dokážeme pomoci s výběrem.

Výhodné doručení

Máme vlastní sklady a díky tomu i přehled o tom, že zboží skladem je opravdu skladem. Snažíme se objednávku expedovat hned, jakmile k nám dorazí, ale upřednostňujeme pečlivou kontrolu produktů před rychlostí odeslání. Pokud by přesto bylo něco v nepořádku nebo psovi zakoupené věci velikostně neseděly, neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Na naší podpoře se domluvíte s někým, kdo rozumí zboží i psům. Telefon vám zvedne člověk, ne robot. Nepadnoucí objednávku pak můžete jednoduše poslat zpět přes zpětnou zásilku.
